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Got Hooked

Member Since 11 Sep 2011
Offline Last Active Nov 02 2013 12:48 PM

Topics I've Started

Sauble / Saugeen Fishing Q

25 August 2013 - 03:01 PM



I booked a campsite at Sauble Falls PP for couple of days mid next week and the campsite I booked is right off the sauble river. Looking at the camp map, it looks like I should be able to fish right off my camp and wondering how the fishing is in that arrea at this time of the year. Coming 2 days of 10-15mm rain on Monday-Tuesday should increase the water level a bit.


I hear saugeen offers better fishing opportunity so any info on that as to where exactly to fish there and what to expect now would be great. I have lot of things to pack for 2 days of camping so carrying live bait would be last thing on my mind.


Any info on location, bait, fishing map, what to expect etc would be great. Thanks.