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Member Since 08 Oct 2011
Offline Last Active Jan 30 2013 02:40 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Big Fly Fishing Rod and Reel Sale!!!

29 January 2013 - 01:44 AM

what would 11/12 weight used for here muskie ? 17 feet sounds like hell to cast

In Topic: Big Fly Fishing Rod and Reel Sale!!!

29 January 2013 - 01:43 AM

For those of you who are not familiar with Loop fly fishing products ill give you some quick insight...
Loop is one of the most popular and largest fly distributors in Europe. Their gear is extremely popular over seas and is slowly growing in North America.
I have for sale all brand new Loop Fly Rods and Reels....

Fly Rods....

Loop Evotec (Cross Grip) 590-4 M...5wt 9ft............Regular Price $465 ...........My price $ 240 OBO
Loop Opti Creek 282-3 2 2wt 8ft2............................ Regular price $560............My price $ 250 OBO
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Loop Xact 490-4 4wt 9ft............................................Regular Price $300..............My price $ 140 OBO
Loop Adventure G3 5wt 9ft...................................... Regular Price $220..............My Price $120 OBO
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Loop Opti Stream 590-5 5wt 9ft..............................Regular Price $575.............My Price $ 250 OBO
Loop Opti (switch) 11ft 6" 7 wt.................................Regular Price $ 790............My Price $ 260 OBO
Loop Opti (spey) 17 FEET 11-12wt........................Regular Price $ 920............My Price $ 250 OBO
Pike Booster 9ft 8-9wt...............................................Regular Price $220.............My Price $120 OBO
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CLW Opti 5-6wt and 8-9wt fly reels with backing and floating line..................$60 each

Pike booster with 8-9wt clw $150 for combo
Adventure G3 with 5-6wt CLW $150 for combo

In Topic: fishing bucket list

18 January 2013 - 10:12 PM

What or where is on anyone's bucket list as far as fishing is concerned. I would like to fly fish in the ancestral home, Scotland, Montana,Idaho and B.C. also come to mind. How about Iceland for Atlantics or closer to home the Albany for brookies.New Zealand for giant browns. Ahh, if only I could afford any of those trips...

Like to go for graylings nwt bonefish keys sigh labrador for huge brookies sigh..would like to try muskie on fly since they my fav fish

In Topic: splake nd bake

18 January 2013 - 10:06 PM

what a day! did some serious run nd gunning and tons of research and we were rewarded with some beautiful fish !! Fish were caught in 10-15 fow on minnows deadsticked either 2 feet off bottom or halfway up the water column.

wait!? I thought there wasnt any safe ice????

How far north are ya going from toronto 2-3 hours? thows making my mouth water cry gratz

In Topic: Great week of steelheading but sad way to end it...

18 January 2013 - 08:57 PM

Not a good thing to see i een 1 guy take his life high voltage wires never forget it was 12 have known 5 people who taken there life 2 being best freinds sad sad sad life can be rough as hell