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Member Since 03 Nov 2011
Offline Last Active Nov 15 2011 06:15 PM

Topics I've Started

new guy from Burlington

03 November 2011 - 08:18 PM

Hey there my name us Kyle and I am from Burlington. I have been fishing for a few years but still consider myself a newbie. If you guys have any tip or good fish spot you wanna share that would be great

New guy from Burlington

03 November 2011 - 02:56 AM

Hey there,my name is Kyle and I'm from Burlington. I have been fishing for a few years now but I still consider myself as a newbie. Since i dont have a car i can't drive my fishing spots are limited, i fish at the pier and at LaSalle but never any luck. If you guys could give me some tips on lures or baits that have work well for you guys in the past, or any good fishing spots in the area of Burlington. I know alot of people dont like to give away information like this but it would be really appreciated. And for those real sneaky spots or tips u can pm me. thanks guys appreciated tonnes