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Member Since 06 Nov 2011
Offline Last Active Dec 25 2012 05:15 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Looking to buy a baitcaster

20 December 2012 - 04:16 PM

I know 3 guys, one who has been steelheading 25 years, one 20 years and one 15 years and they all use a baitcaster (all of which have used a pin too but went back). One uses a core 51mg, one a shimano chronarch and one a curado. It can be incredibly effective, all of them do amazingly well on it. For rods, they use an IMX or Frontier with and acid wrap in the 10'6" - 11' range. I have heard of rods being up to 14' with a baitcaster but just remember that you dont have the weight of a pin to help balance it, so the longer you go the more tip heavy it will be. Don't reccomend anything near 8'-9' you wont be able to keep line off the water and your drifts won't be as nice. I believe St Croix makes a 10'6 avid or perhaps wild river, one of the two. That would be a good starting point, but hard to find used.

In Topic: Trout in the Rouge?

12 February 2012 - 01:06 PM

I went exploring down that river one day, walked a good 2-3k id say. The river looked like a good steelhead river but there were a few giant log jams which I had a hard time seeing the steelhead get through, although the water was low at the time. I have heard of steelhead being caught there before for sure though. Anyone have any idea if there are any resident fish there or no?

In Topic: Anyone else kicked-off ofncommunity.com

14 January 2012 - 11:26 PM

speaking of stirring the pot...please dont

I'm not, just showing diggyj that he is misinformed and that ofn is way better than this forum because it actually has contributing members not just a bunch of lurkers who say nothing like this site.

In Topic: Rod Length

14 January 2012 - 12:44 PM

Can't really help you with bass, as I dont really do it much, but when I do I use a 6'6 Medium power rod. For floating for steelies, I would go with something in the 10'6" - 12' range, or if you can find a really light 13' do that. If it isnt ight it will be hard on the arm since you are using a light spinning reel and not a centerpin. For Salmon, 9-10' will do MH or H

In Topic: Anyone else kicked-off ofncommunity.com

14 January 2012 - 12:40 PM

Your experience of OFN may differ with others here and that is to your benefit it would seem. However, someone with 3 posts poses something of a paradox regarding intent. From experience I can tell you it is not posting pictures that is the problem with OFN (I"M FREAKIN SICK OF THAT DEBATE ANYWAY) but rather, and as DIGGY fairly says, if you post something that is at odds with the clique or the least bit critical they are quick to take offence and ban you. As I've said before they confuse mob rule with democratic principles--guess Diggy and I (not to mention many others) prefer not to be lemmings.

There are many fora you can mine for wisdom and expertise provided there is a generous reciprocity--it's to your, and all our benefit. There are great folks here to be sure--hang in there. ;)

I do agree that there seems to be quite a clique of members with 1000+ posts on there, but i've been going on there for over a year and it seems to me that unless one posts something knowing that it will just stir the pot, they are pretty nice. I have learned tonnes on there about types of fishing I have little experiance in, and there are always great pictures to look at. I would prefer a site where there is actually activity and stuff to comment on to a site like this where there is like 15 posts a day...