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Member Since 01 Dec 2011
Offline Last Active Oct 03 2012 09:50 PM

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Multi species baits / setups

26 July 2012 - 11:04 PM

Hey guys
Has anyone tried to use bigger baits such as believers or musky spinners for pier fishing salmon? I've got a nice musky setup 8'6 xheavy fast rod, lined with 50lb braid on a decent bait caster. Was wondering if it would be worth my time to head to my local pier (bowmanville) and throw a 5 inch perch rapala or a booby trap. I've caught walleye, bass, and rockers on musky lures and only think that salmon would be the same. I've read people have had luck with j13s and 3/4 oz spoons, these are too light for a xheavy setup to cast a significant distance therefore not hitting the strike zone of staging salmon? I'd appreciate some advice .