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Ambitious Ontarian

Member Since 08 Dec 2011
Offline Last Active Dec 17 2011 08:04 PM

#221213 Newbie here

Posted by Ambitious Ontarian on 10 December 2011 - 02:19 PM

Thanks everyone!

I hope everyone's having a good season!
As for my screen name, I felt it was appropriate because I'm young and I have learned a lot but I still have a lot to learn as well. I love trying new things and travelling to new places in hopes for catching "The Big One". I have a strong desire for fishing and I can't wait for spring to come although I know this season hasn't ended yet.

And I will be uploading pictures as I travel along on my great journey. I'll start with these two which I caught about a week and a half ago.


Attached Images

  • PC260280.JPG
  • PC260282.JPG

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