Awe, Klicky, baby, we're all friends here. Tell you what, because you're such a swell guy, I'll by some of that neat-o float line you love so much and stick it in my baitcaster.
okie dokie?
xoxo xoxo
nate82 hasn't added any friends yet.
07 February 2014 - 05:01 AM
Awe, Klicky, baby, we're all friends here. Tell you what, because you're such a swell guy, I'll by some of that neat-o float line you love so much and stick it in my baitcaster.
okie dokie?
xoxo xoxo
06 February 2014 - 02:29 PM
To paraphrase Mr. Klik: "Buy a discontinued product and learn to love it because I say it is the smart buy! I am right because I used my spare time to do a google search!"
Klik, I am starting to think you have no idea what you are talking about. Go back to playing with your float reels.
05 February 2014 - 12:40 AM
not too many guys use mono for baitcaster. you are better off with super lines. which no memory.
I would disagree with that statement. A lot of guys use mono in baitcast reels. In fact, you should use mono for cranks, spinnerbaits, swimbaits, twitchbaits, topwater plugs, etc. that need a bit of stretch and give. Not to mention it manages well in a baitcast.
I do agree braid excels in sensitivity and zero stretch. Good for punching slop and flipping jigs and the like.
But for general use, all purpose, mono is the way to go. 10-12lb in a medium stick, 14-20lb in a med-heavy stick.
04 February 2014 - 03:20 AM
I can vouch for Suffix Elite having lower memory and good knot strenght. Not sure what type of reel you are using, but I would not recommend raven for a spinning setup. It is pretty much limited to pin reels... unless thats what youre rocking. Then you should be using it!
01 February 2014 - 10:35 PM
theres a force gauge on these machines that measure how much force it took for the product to fail, it is done with random selections from every batch of rods for quality control. from the original model, they get a control number, and they use that number to test subsequent productions to be sure they are up to original standards. its how ANY reputable company operates. product testing doesn't mean taking the product out and using it to be sure it works, it also mean putting into extreme situations and finding the failure point so that when a warranty claim comes up, they have a solid idea of what happened
I am not saying these rods are hot air. If I had the bills to drop on one of these sweethearts, I'd be waiting in line with you just based on the G Loomis reputation alone.
I'm just saying a machine beating up a rod with numbers and buzz words I don't understand means nothing without some dude busting several big ugly chinook without killing the rod.