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Member Since 14 Dec 2011
Offline Last Active Jan 06 2016 03:09 PM

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In Topic: Tournament east

25 November 2013 - 01:08 AM

just got some info about the tourney and thought i would share. 


as stated already, it was a catch and release tourney.

there were 38 participants entered into that specific tourney.

each participant(mandatory) donated at least 1 piece of non perishable food for the food bank. 

they collected over 500lb of garbage(im sure an estimate but even if it was half of that it would be a significant amount).

this supported local angling out east and a local, family owned tackle shop(which i particularly like, very nice, informed, well stoked and love the pooch)


all that being said, duffs has a good run of steelhead and is a very popular trib. even without the tourney there would have been that many people there on a weekend. 

In Topic: MNR GETS Em

23 September 2013 - 12:55 PM

i never like harming fish and leaving hooks in. but im not one of those fisherman that sets the hook on every wiggle of the float during salmon season. thats problem number one, people not being able to tell the difference between a legit take and your bait bumping into fish while when they are stacked up in the pools and runs.

In Topic: MNR GETS Em

23 September 2013 - 12:19 PM

I dont know whos been out with rusty but hes way better than any COs at enforcing the regs(seriously)! lol and good for a few laughs. as always your on'em buddy. keep it up and we can keep dreaming of loogan free rivers :)


The second i know ive snagged a fish i break off. normally if its a good hook set in the mouth you should feel the headshakes immediately, if it takes a big long run and you got no control, you got yourself a snagged fish. break off and retie. if you do this you will save yourself a ton of time, instead of trying to land a fish you have no control of. 

In Topic: Fish ID - Salmon or Trout?

14 September 2013 - 07:26 PM

agree with CJR


black gums with a white/grey tongue is definately a coho. 

In Topic: Sail has a sale starting Sept 5 to 15.

06 September 2013 - 07:30 PM

i try to shop at local tackle shops as much as possible, tightlines and gagnons are on the way. but i also think sail has better prices and is more suited to my steelhead and salmon needs. the staff are very knowledgable and friendly, most of the time when i go in there i end up talking fish stories for an hour. also it seems they have a 15% off or save the taxes sale every 4-6 weeks, thats when i make most of my big equipment purchases. 


they are canadian, always a plus.