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Member Since 14 Dec 2011
Offline Last Active Jan 06 2016 03:09 PM

#295697 Tournament east

Posted by fishernick on 25 November 2013 - 01:08 AM

just got some info about the tourney and thought i would share. 


as stated already, it was a catch and release tourney.

there were 38 participants entered into that specific tourney.

each participant(mandatory) donated at least 1 piece of non perishable food for the food bank. 

they collected over 500lb of garbage(im sure an estimate but even if it was half of that it would be a significant amount).

this supported local angling out east and a local, family owned tackle shop(which i particularly like, very nice, informed, well stoked and love the pooch)


all that being said, duffs has a good run of steelhead and is a very popular trib. even without the tourney there would have been that many people there on a weekend. 

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#268815 Two Hungry Trout.

Posted by fishernick on 21 April 2013 - 10:41 PM

well then let me get this party started!!!


1. your buddy holding the fish, takin all the slime off it which probobly led to an infection which killed or will kill it.

2. ties in with number one, your net probobly took of more slime. 

3. size 6 hook is pretty massive!

4. pic one isnt blurred out, I know where that is. 

5. never leave your stuff unattended, especially when you have a fish on. at bare minimum get some rubber boots so you can go in some shallow water and can tail the fish. 


did i miss anything??? lol im sure we will hear about it. 


now that thats done and over with....great job man! some nice fish, congrats!

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#254704 Stringers and Catch and Keep POLICY PLEASE

Posted by fishernick on 27 December 2012 - 01:43 AM

So a couple of things,
I think the pictures debate has already been done to death with the poll and new rules, so may as well drop it for now.
I think that before EVERYONE posts anything they need to keep in mind that all comments should be educational and respectful. If you can't learn anything from it and its just going to start a online brawl then don't bother posting it. The purpose of this forums is to educate other anglers about the sport and encourage growth for everyone. So let's make sure every comment does that.
So can't we all stop pointing fingers and get along......do we need to hug this out?
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#245929 Productivity or solitude

Posted by fishernick on 25 October 2012 - 11:14 PM

peaceful all the way, no one to ruin my day!

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