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Member Since 13 Mar 2012
Offline Last Active May 08 2016 10:43 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Hello from Alberta

02 May 2016 - 09:18 PM

Hey welcome!

I was up in Fort McMurray working for a few months is 2014. Nice town. Loads of bodies of water in onatrio, good luck!

In Topic: I'm back after a looong break!

30 April 2016 - 07:51 AM

Thx :)

In Topic: PSA

28 April 2016 - 10:01 PM

Lmao..I have to agree.

In Topic: The biggest hit I've ever gotten...it's a mystery!

24 April 2016 - 02:59 PM

Had somethng similar happen to me at Tommy Thompson, was casting a Rapala off shore, ended up snagging a MASSIVE carp, I thought I had a big pike or something, until I managed to reel it close to the shore and saw the monster. It freed it self.

In Topic: Uncut Angling - 39hrs

24 April 2016 - 01:25 PM

Wow thanks for introducing this to me. I'm getting back into fishing after a long break and this is just what I needed! I've always thought of recording my fishing trips in the past haha