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Member Since 20 Mar 2012
Offline Last Active Mar 26 2012 06:44 AM

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In Topic: My Bass Opener

21 March 2012 - 12:02 AM

Im currently in the Hamilton area was looking around their conservation areas and ended up at fifty point conservation, their stock pond has rainbow trout and bass. Didnt get a chance to go to the bait shop to pick up a few coloured senkos but i had a bit of jigs + twister tails in my box. Surprisingly nothing attacked my line but then again it was mid day sun was on full blast. I seen a few big fish swimming around wasnt interested in the food. I also have Gulp lychees and minnow fake bait but nothing wanted that for action.
Biggest question, Do any of you own Bass Spray (the scent spray as added flavouring for the fish to hold on longer) I heard when using tubes its a good idea to spray inside the tube as it holds scents longer.
Im going to pick up a few senkos later today and try that spot again hopefully with more success, Should i fish off the shore line on lake ontario or their "stocked pond" for practice. Need to be able to sense their pickup and how to present my bait best i can.

I've used BANG scent and caught fish with peppered white tube jigs as mentioned. It's in a squeeze bottle with Anise extract (a seed that smells like licorice) as well as minnow and craw oils and glitter. It can help if you miss a strike, to get a second hit. Other than that, scent is hype unless you're in a situation where you KNOW there are fish and they aren't biting and decide to retrieve identically with the scent and they bite....my 2 cents. My fave time to use tubes is on schooled smallies under baitfish in mid summer.

In Topic: 10 lb Rice Lake Bass

20 March 2012 - 08:50 PM

I think as you move furthur south, you can catch larger bass. That being said I had caught a 22 1/2" LM (between 7-8lbs) near Perth a few years back. So, as the growing seasons get longer with extended periods of warm water and if you're lucky, you can catch bigger bass than a similar lake furthur north. I don't think it's impossible to think a 10lb LM is in Rice Lake.

In Topic: Fishing Maps

20 March 2012 - 08:18 PM

My 2 cents worth would be to gather lake/river/stream bottom formation/depth maps and attach those to respective bodies of water in Ontario. That way, nobody opens up the possibilty of outcompeting eachother for spots and fish populations could remain healthy enough to sustain life. This way, it would still take some skill to catch fish (because you would have to know the seasonal fish movements, weather, food source movement etc), but provide you with some of the useful knowledge needed to decide where to fish within the water body.

One website "anglersatlas" looks to do that and I like the site, but it needs more depth maps and people to do the mapping work (I think sonar is used and plotted on a graph similar to a fishfinder, but in a larger spatial context).