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TFC Bones

Member Since 16 Apr 2012
Offline Last Active Oct 13 2014 10:36 AM

Topics I've Started

Fisherman's Bay in Pickering in '13

31 July 2013 - 09:35 PM

Has anyone hit Fisherman's Bay in Pickering this year?  I was researching where to catch perch in lake Ontario and one of the locations was Fisherman's Bay.  After more research it looks like there is a lot more there than just perch.  Pike, Walleye, Lg/Sm mouth Bass, bullheads, etc etc.


I'm really hoping to find a spot where I can get some perch so if anyone would like to share their 2013 stories please do.




Sheephead/Sheepshead/Fresh Water Drum anyone?

10 July 2013 - 09:08 AM

Just wondering if anyone has targeted Drum in Toronto.  If so, where and have you ever tried eating them?


Recently I saw a show where Italo Labignan targeted the Drum in Lake Erie (I think) and he said they were very good eating fish.  I remember fishing for Bass off the end of the pier in Hamilton and used to catch these things by the dozens and always thought of them as non-eatable.  Now, thinking about location, I'm pretty sure I was right ;)  but, perhaps out in the lake I may give this a go.

