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Member Since 22 Apr 2012
Offline Last Active Dec 02 2013 09:38 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: OFF Ice Outing

13 January 2013 - 05:05 PM

January 20th was going to be the date, but with 10-20mm of rain in the forecast for tomorrow and spring like weather, I really want to wait for some colder temperatures and better ice conditions.

Looks like it's supposed to cool down by end of next week - if we get persistent cold weather for a week or two and some ultra cold ice-building temps - we can go ahead.

Sunday, February 3rd, would be the next possible date depending on how the weather goes.

im in for either day.

In Topic: OFF Ice Outing

13 January 2013 - 05:04 PM

1. Lakers.
2. Lakers.
3. Lakers.
4. Whitefish.
5. Lakers


i'm easy. lakers are good.

In Topic: Fly Tying Course

12 January 2013 - 12:22 PM

No not cheaper by any means. It's much more expensive and time consuming. The joy comes from doing it yourself, being creative and catching a fish on a known pattern or from your own vision. A decent vise alone is $60 and up, some might say $80. That's alot of flies from Reelflies.ca, so economics should not be your only reason. I don't want to discourage you or anything like that, I'm just telling you the facts, plain and simple. I already have over $400 worth of tying material but still feel like a beginner b/c I stopped and now want to do it again.

So for $50 you atleast get to taste it to see if it's your cup of tea.

i agree its not necessarily cheaper with some flies going for like a buck each. But many times you cant buy what you want... specific hatch happening one night and you go home and tie yourself a few flies to match what is going on and go out the next night and catch a bunch of fish... that's the fun for me. experimenting with styles on different water as well sparse tied flies vs full in different water conditions, size of wing vs hook size etc... etc...

I would say it depends more on how much you want to get into experimenting and discovering that stuff yourself, if you do then tie your own. if you go out a couple of times a year for a certain species in a given location, then you may be better off buying.

just my thoughts on this, YMMV.

In Topic: heads up for gta fly fisherman!

01 January 2013 - 05:14 PM

That's funny I have heard other wise but who knows unless you fish with here it's 70 bucks and you get a DVD of 4 episodes of Tnnf plus a year worth of there e zine so it's not to bad

didnt realize you get all that for $70, thats not bad then.

In Topic: steelhead fly line - Rio Switch vs Steelhead/Salmon line?

01 January 2013 - 04:57 PM

i see, so more for line control than for casting. so a DT would work or a re-purposed back end of a shooting head. makes sense.

the little nymphing i have done for residential browns has been essentially like dry fishing with mending right after casting to keep the drift drag free. DT is all i use for small dries.
is your method similar or are you doing more of a swing with the nymph going across the lies? i know, depends on the situation :)