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Member Since 22 Apr 2012
Offline Last Active Apr 26 2012 02:29 PM

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In Topic: Fish that inhabit the Don River

22 April 2012 - 08:32 PM

I grew up in the Don Valley. Charles Sauriol, who was a prominent Don River conservationist told me back in the Eighties that he was still catching brookies in the Don in the early Sixties. The subdivisions (where I grew up) in North York killed the river. I hope in some way the river does come back. I live now 2 minutes from a trout stream.

In Topic: small trout on the fly

22 April 2012 - 08:09 PM

It warms my heart to hear that the Atlantics have returned.

In Topic: Fly tying equipment

22 April 2012 - 08:04 PM

Get a good vise, a few books, a good kit made by a local shop, then slowly start building up materials. One other thing-If there is a fly tying club in your area join it! I did when I was 17 and I learned from a host of old masters. Cheers.

In Topic: Muskoka Brookies

22 April 2012 - 07:57 PM

Hey fishingaddict. You will likely find that Speck fishermen are very tight lipped about their fishing holes due to the fact that everyone wants to catch them and their populations have been declining for years in south and central Ontario. I can confirm there are Specks in the Muskoka area. My best advice is that you have to do the leg work to find them. Search maps for logging roads, railway lines and hydro cuts that cross rivers and streams. I know lots of good spots and this is how I find them, or just driving back roads. I couldn't even PM you the names of streams or rivers because the only names I know them by are the names I give them which would mean nothing to anyone else. Bare Ass Creek, Trout Fishing in Americas Shorty Creek, Horny Head Pout Creek, Walden Pond for Winos, Hunchback Trout Creek and on and on and on. Like wise I don't know the names of many of the roads or trails I use to get to these Brautiganesque creeks, or if they even have names.
All that being said, Algonquin Park has a lot of good fishing for Brookies in the back country lakes and rivers, but you do need to rent a canoe and get away from the Hwy 60 corridor.


I live in Muskoka (actually Parry Sound District) and Alfie is right. Lots of little trout streams out there especially to the north and east. I don't bother fishing for the brookies much in the summer however-they are very hard to catch when the water warms up.