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Member Since 11 May 2012
Offline Last Active Jun 02 2012 01:21 AM

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In Topic: Abu Garcia Orra S

02 June 2012 - 01:17 AM

Replies appreciated.

I did end up getting the reel and I have to say, I absolutely love it. Cast beautifully, reels very smoothly. First day of using it, caught a couple northern pike (6/7 lbs), and several other varieties of fish throughout the past couple of weeks with no problems.

My 2 cents, if you're looking for a reel for less than $100.00, grab it. Satisfaction guaranteed.

Now I'm hoping the weather clears up, been nearly a week with no fishing! :(

In Topic: Greetings!

13 May 2012 - 01:02 AM

Thanks guys/gals :)