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Member Since 13 May 2012
Offline Last Active Mar 29 2013 12:50 AM

Topics I've Started

new to salmon fishing

09 September 2012 - 03:40 PM

Hey there everyone iv been an avid angler for about 10 years now and tried my first time steelhead fishing this spring with no such luck and have just been waiting for the fall to come. I manly fish bass and panfish thru the summer so this is a new frontier for me. i wnet to down to duffins yesterday just below concession 3 the water was moving so fast couldent even tell if anything had made it up river till a salmon litteraly slammed into the shore next to my boot i was wondering if i should be fishing down by the river mouth or wait a bit and fish up stream i keep hearing these terms like flossing and how its bad and would never want to do anything like that nay advice on what to do? i hear goin down to the mouth of a river and chucking spoons and jointeds is the way to go any advice would be appriciated.

Gettin back to carping

17 June 2012 - 08:07 PM

Hey everyone im pretty new to the forum, just wanted to share some pics of my first and second carp of the season.

first one bad pic not sure of the exact length the second one is 26 inches.

been a few years since iv been carp fishing had to move down the stream because of bridge construction but the new spot seems to be completely infested with fire ants there everywhere. Went yesterday and managed to get stung about 20 times 2day even with the waders i managed 2 get stong three time after landing the fish. any advice on ant repelent?