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Member Since 17 May 2012
Offline Last Active Jul 05 2013 11:25 PM

#274008 Favourite Bass techniques and lures

Posted by Dugger on 05 July 2013 - 10:16 PM

....so I bought my first Arbogast Jitterbug in decades, cracked it open and my first thoughts while groping it were "whoa, what a piece of junk!"


the box says "designed and test in the USA", the fine print said "Made in China". I didn't need to read that to tell that. It pales in comparison to my old American-made Jitterbugs. I was shocked how cheesy it was, how light it was, how awkward in the water, the crappy terminal parts....


I seriously believe Bass Pro's assorted line of plugs are better made than the Jitterbug. Yes, Bass Pro plugs are also Chinese but lordy, better quality all around compared to the 2013 Jitterbug. The Hula Poppers looked even more crappy. The paint job was horrific and very "offshore" looking.


A moment of silence please for a once proud plug. And at 9 bucks a pop (pardon the pun) who said offshore meant cheaper. I'd pay extra for the old tackle box stalwart for sure.

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#273765 Bass Pond FIshing

Posted by Dugger on 03 July 2013 - 04:17 PM

....it's 2013, people don't give a crap, people of all ages and all backgrounds. Not sure why we have not "evolved" on this issue (litter) and I find many anglers leave their crap behind after shorefishing. Leaving Timmies cups, cigarette butts and worm containers behind is not acceptable but "they" do it again and again.

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#273694 Your tactics for finicky smallmouth

Posted by Dugger on 02 July 2013 - 11:31 PM

....I jig Parry Sound District lakes during the day for Smallies and Pickerel in 20-30 feet of water using tubes on 3/8 oz heads. My portable 80 buck locator is vital to finding these depths. I fish submerged shelves, drop-offs, saddles, points of islands and points off the mainland.... drift with the wind and lift the tube or use an electric on low and walk the tube...it's easy and effective. These same depths that are located at the mouths of any creeks that empty into the main lake are dynamite areas.


This technique has also bagged some summer splake.


...but yes, "during the day" I am at 20 feet and beyond. The Lakers will be suspended in the thermocline zone so you will need a locator to find em or you will be wasting your time targeting them.

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#273376 River Monsters-In Ontario!!!

Posted by Dugger on 28 June 2013 - 04:24 AM

I like the episode where he teams up with Italo. It was called "Sunfish: Ankle-biter of the Shallows". Jeremy stalked these underrated killers while Italo explained how a bobber worked then shared the GPS coordinates of their location with the world (including where to park your car if you are brave enough to tackle these denizens of the lillypads).


Riveting.  :shock:



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#273306 Lake Gibson, Thorold

Posted by Dugger on 27 June 2013 - 03:12 PM

....anywhere in the US those bodies of water would be open to the public... canoes and kayaks. The lame excuse that they don't want the contaminated sediments disturbed is baloney.... and any insurance/liability excuse is baloney as well


plenty of fish in there.... just ask the morons who target bass in there in April and May!

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#273305 Welland Canal

Posted by Dugger on 27 June 2013 - 03:07 PM

nice dark fish!

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#273233 Walleye on the Grand

Posted by Dugger on 26 June 2013 - 01:06 PM

... hope to get that "sinking feeling" this weekend

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#272116 My First Carp (well my first one over 2 pounds)

Posted by Dugger on 03 June 2013 - 12:22 AM

Noobs, I sense a name change for you after 2,000-odd posts and that beauty carp.... and nice pic! I did not know the Blue Man Group fish in their off days... :D

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