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Member Since 18 May 2012
Offline Last Active Jun 10 2012 08:17 AM

Topics I've Started


03 June 2012 - 02:12 PM

after mentioning in one of my post that I tended to lose lures, (in the past) mostly due to bad knots. I poked around in the forum but did not find a thread for just Knots so I'll start one here.
I suspect there may well be a few somewhere in the archives & if there is I'll remove this post.


Lots Of Carp At Pond 106

30 May 2012 - 09:49 PM

spent about 5 hrs at pond 106 and pulled in some small carp ( under 20")

Had follow up after follow up & stopped counting after 11. Water was brown/green & super low vis.even with direct sun. Tried close to a dozen different lures & found the jointed rap (black & gold) had best results.

Saw something jump that was all silver & about 16" but not sure what it was. I was just looking away as it popped from the water.

Sadly there's a lot of garbage there from people fishing. Shimano label from a new pole, bit's & pieces of lures, floaters etc. red stripe beer bottles and snack packages. I forgot to bring a garbage bag with me. Next time, & I'll tie an extra bag to a stick that's jammed into the ground so the lazy fishermen can maybe try to put their garbage in the bag. I actually think I saw the 3 guys that made part of that mess a week ago when I passed by. I'm sure they'll be there again.


84 lb Carp

24 May 2012 - 09:27 AM

I'm not really into fishing for Carp but still follow the reports on them.
Came across this catch & figured some of you might find news-worthy,
84lb Carp

Greetings from Scarborough

18 May 2012 - 04:58 PM

Greetings from Scarborough,
yes yet another GTA fishing fan.

I followed a link back to OFF from another fishing forum & I am really happy about that. Lots of current info & after reading many posts on the forum here I figured I should sign up.

Going on my 4th year of fishing & I really do love the sport. So far my favorite fishing trips have been a week to two in length in and around southern Ont.

A day out here & there is perfect around the GTA. It's time for me to try other spots as I'm finding Toronto Island is getting more & more crowded with each year passing. Also not enjoying being balls to ass on the over crowded fairy. ( some one should hand out soap to some of the people that are a little ripe, lol)

Well, Fish on !