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Member Since 07 Aug 2012
Offline Last Active Aug 20 2012 10:19 AM

Topics I've Started

Channel Cat (Monster)

15 August 2012 - 01:20 PM

Just thought I would add this for everyone, figured you may get a chuckle out of it. My wife and kids thought it was hylarious.
My youngest son caught a nice sized cat fish (or what we thought was a cat fish) I'm told cat fish are much smaller and have a square tail.
Anyway after my youngest son caught one, and then my wife, I hooked onto this monster!! My wife insisted I post it on Facebook for our friends to see.

Personally I think she liked my facial expression the most, but the fact that my jig was almost bigger than it's head makes it pretty funny.

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Not long after we caught a few more, and I finally hooked one a bit larger that I can share. It doesn't look all that big, in front of me, and looking at the photo it doesn't really do the fish justice. Mind you I'm 6'4 and 260 lbs, so it will make most fishies look small.

Posted Image

Howdy everyone!

14 August 2012 - 02:15 PM

Hi guys, I'm a Quebec residant, but fish in the Ottawa River all the time with my family. I stumbled upon your forums and hope you don't mind a frenchy joining the crowd.

