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Member Since 07 Aug 2012
Offline Last Active Jun 04 2018 03:11 PM

Topics I've Started

Hello forums, Cody here

04 June 2018 - 03:05 PM

Hello! My name is Cody. I grew up fishing the lake near my grandparents cottage near Tamworth and a bit of random fishing in section of the Welland canal. I'd love to deep dive into fishing this year and I was hoping these forums could be a good way to meet people and glean some knowledge.


I am thinking about getting a kayak, but for now will mostly be shore fishing anywhere within a couple of hours drive of Welland. My ideal day would be to find a spot that needs some hiking out to, but unfortunately I have zero knowledge of where to do things and not a single friend that interested in doing this with me. If anyone is from my area, please contact me. I'd love to pick your brain or go fishing with you sometime!

Bottle lake camping trip

04 June 2018 - 03:01 PM

This coming weekend I will be going on a camping trip to bottle lake in the Kawartha highlands. I've never fished anywhere near this area and was wondering if anyone has any idea what to target, any tips or anything along those lines. The lake is in zone 15 so I know I can't target bass, which to be honest is the only fish I have every fished for. I will be fishing either from shore or a canoe. I appreciate any insight someone could give.