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Member Since 10 Aug 2012
Offline Last Active Nov 06 2014 10:28 PM

#318101 Kid friendly Steelhead'n

Posted by Addicted on 16 October 2014 - 08:13 PM

Its pretty early man, aka not prime steel time. Especially down here in swo. Kids&steele are a bit of a no go in general IMO. Rivers are pretty dangerous in nature. Try and find some gravely water in an O or Erie trib maybe some boots around. Good steel heading goes hand in hand with very cold and challenging conditions even for the roughest of us. All that being said you can't catch fish without a pole and the water. If your set on going I'd say head east for a couple hours.
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#253408 Erie Steelhead

Posted by Addicted on 10 December 2012 - 09:26 PM

Finally picked up a nice enough Steele to post here omongst all you kickass floaters who post so many beauties! Got her at the crack of dawn on my local Erie trib, not a work of art in the photo department though lol.

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