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Member Since 29 Aug 2012
Offline Last Active Mar 19 2013 07:38 AM

Topics I've Started

First steel on roe!

07 December 2012 - 09:44 PM

http://sphotos-e.ak....338923916_n.jpg http://sphotos-g.ak....636888037_n.jpg

Finally got to head out to the bruce for some fishing, maybe played a little hooky. . . Got a couple steelies on roe bags for the first time! Lost two others but had some great fights none the less... Nothing like watching that float disappear! Lots of fun today and can't wait to head back out there! Hope you guys enjoy the photo's! (if you can see them that is!) Cheers!

First Steelhead EVER

26 September 2012 - 04:58 PM

Finally got hooked up with a pretty good steelhead! 7 lbs 26" long. Yahoo!! After a few fishless days <_< i finally managed to land and release this beauty! Attached File  228146_3385216843012_1971896039_n.jpg   228.34KB   411 downloads

Guess i should have done something about the picture to make it, less obvious about where i was . . .

Crayfish imitations

19 September 2012 - 05:35 PM

Hey guys,

Haven't posted anything in the fly section, but I'm still new to the entire fly fishing genre. Going to try out some cray patterns in the grand river (Kitchener) and was wondering if anyone had any advice on action, and/or colour and size selection. I've seen the odd rusty, but for the most part more beige in tone. So i'd assume thats a common forage. . . I have heard that smaller crayfish are more "desirable" (for lack of a better word) as food for Smallies, can any one somewhat verify this? Any thoughts? Thanks a bunch guys, looking forward to any responses!


05 September 2012 - 06:25 PM

I apparently missed the memo on the "Introduce yourself" topic! Im a little late on that but just like to say hello to everyone on here, and its nice to find so many people with a great and common interest! I look forward to learning, discussing, and maybe perhaps teaching a thing or two! Cheers everyone!

Steelhead on the fly

29 August 2012 - 09:29 PM

Hey Guys,

I'm very knew to this forum, never been a part of any before to be honest, glad to be on here none the less. Anyways, I was curious about anyones opinions on Fly Fishing for chrome. I'm looking into 8wt rods, they should do the trick for Lake Ontario tribs, but when it comes to the proper reel, I'm at a loss. Any suggestions or preferences will be GREATLY appreciated. Basically any tips at all, because i am in fact, a complete newbie in terms of any sort of trout or salmon fishing. Lines, leaders, and flies for steelhead (i know it sounds a tad redundant, I'm not trying to steal your secrets, just learn some basics to get my feet, [for lack of a better word] wet) I know very little about. Again, any information will be much appreciated!

Thanks a lot!