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Member Since 12 Sep 2012
Offline Last Active Sep 26 2013 11:01 PM

Topics I've Started

centerpin line

08 December 2012 - 04:01 PM

hey guys,

just picked up my first centerpin, was wondering if anyone had some line recommendations? nothing too expensive, best "bang for your buck" kinda deal.
any suggestions? (for steel)


steel patterns

08 December 2012 - 03:38 PM

hey guys,

just wondering what fly patterns people prefer during the colder winter months for steel primarily in eastern/western lake ontario tribs?

also found this article that seems helpful: http://www.ontarioou...t/?ID=35&a=read


Tribby Chinnies

19 October 2012 - 04:00 PM

Hey all,

Made a little collage of a couple of the catches from the past few weeks. My computer won't let me rotate my pics so i had to open them, printscreen, then crop and collage :angry: lol, anyhow the left 2 were caught on custom flies, TFO 9wt rod, 9wf line, the two on the right (top using single egg pattern fly, the bottom on a pink/black coloured fly.) Almost had my fill this year for chinnies, was wondering if anyones having success with steelhead in GTA tribs? Any to recommend? And no, I'm not asking for locations just waterways, much more fun to do the exploring myself 8-) Please pm me with suggestions, and feel free to share your salmon adventures this year.



12 September 2012 - 11:09 PM

Hey everyone!

New to this forum, old to fishing. Raised in downtown Toronto, however have only over recent years started to do more urban fishing as opposed to sticking
to my various usual lakes around Ontario. I'll try to be as much of a help as I can and I hope y'all do the same.



bronte creek fly fishing

12 September 2012 - 08:36 PM

Hey everyone,

I'm new to the forum, but I figured it would be a good place to absorb/share some information. Was planning on heading out to Bronte tomorrow, was thinking about walking a few K up the creek
north of Petro Park. Has anyone seen any action around these parts? Any success with certain fly patterns this time of year?

Or if you feel going elsewhere would be more productive?

Feel free to make suggestions, any response is appreciated.
