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Member Since 18 Sep 2012
Offline Last Active Oct 06 2015 01:44 AM

Topics I've Started

Pautzke nectar?

23 October 2012 - 12:48 AM

Went steelhead fishing during the week. Was there almost all morning and didn't get a single bite,I was using salmon roe as a bait wrap in an egg sac net. Around noon a guy set up right beside me and right away he caught one. After putting a new bait and casting it, he got another one. Went over and asked him what bait he was using , and he said salmon eggs. So went back to my spot and continue fishing. After 4 fish this guy has caught, went over and ask him if I can see his bait, maybe I did something wrong . Or tied my egg bad. He had his roe in a container with what looks like a blue Ink. He said its pautzke nectar made from salmon egg juice. Tried his bait and in about 10 minutes I got my first steelhead of the day. Anyone tried this stuff? Does it actually work? Or was it just a coincidence that the fish started biting around that time?

WTB: steelhead rod

16 October 2012 - 01:37 AM

I'm looking for a good salmon/steelhead spinning rod 9-10' New or in mint condition . Nothing over $200 . Thanks

White meat salmon?

27 September 2012 - 11:11 PM

Hi, I Do a lot of salmon fishing when they are in season. I don't usually keep the fish or eat the one I catch. But this morning I caught 2 chinook, released the first one and my wife got mad at me. So the next fish I caught I brought home. When I was cleaning the fish and filleting it, I notice the meat is white. I know the one I buy at the store has a reddish meat. Is it because they transferred to freshwater that cause the meat to be white?

Stradic can't decide.

21 September 2012 - 03:52 AM

Hi, I need help on what reel to get. I'm looking at the shimano stradic ci4 , but can't decide if I should go for 3000 or 4000 model. I'll be using it for pike, rainbow trouts and salmon. Thanks