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Member Since 19 Oct 2012
Offline Last Active Oct 01 2014 12:11 PM

Topics I've Started

taking the plunge

04 January 2014 - 03:37 PM

I'm looking into buying a bait casting outfit, I've never used one and am wondering if I should stay with spinning or try out baitcast, your thoughts.

wading boots

15 October 2013 - 07:36 PM

i'm looking for a new pair of wading boots and was wondering if anybody had some recomandations? i have a pair of reddingtons at the moment and an not impressed by them, was looking and the simms headwater boots, any thoughts.


31 August 2013 - 11:51 AM

I was fishing a Huron trib on Thursday aand a huge hatch of big mayflies started at dusk i think they were isonychias but don't know for sure, was wondering if you know what they were and have patterns to match it ?

sarnia salmon fishing

02 August 2013 - 09:46 PM

Does anybody know where I could find some good salmon fishing from shore in the sarnia area?

Thanx, m.c

Browning six river rods

29 May 2013 - 09:47 AM

I am looking into getting a Browning six river rod from bass pro, has anybody used these?