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Member Since 26 Oct 2012
Offline Last Active Nov 09 2012 11:55 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Fish Never Caught

02 November 2012 - 11:29 PM

Well my list is long... Salmon (Any species), Pike, Gar, Bluegill, Walleye, Perch, Musky, Whitefish and Drum. lol, I need to get busy...

Your one of the ones I got to know on this site and your list is bullshit. You know your poop and the only one on that list is probably the same as mine and its a gar. Am I right haha

In Topic: Squirrels for Bait

02 November 2012 - 09:09 PM

Yeah hang him by his balls. Even using some live bait is hard for me, like worms, crawfish and minnows. I wouldn't mind bugs but I don't like handling them at all, they work the best. Crickets and grasshoppers they are deadly.

Your right on

In Topic: Squirrels for Bait

02 November 2012 - 08:47 PM

Unfortunately you are not the first I heard this from. The first is actually a buddy who said he saw a guy get fish after fish but would hide his bait (baby kittens). A DICK like this would really make all respectable anglers look so bad. Not to mention how absolutely cruel it is.

If he really did that he deserves to be hung. Its one thing to joke about it, but a completely different thing to actually do it. Its best to stick to artifical lures when fishing for muskie.

In Topic: Outboard winter storage

02 November 2012 - 07:48 PM

I picked the engine up this summer, but I am not exactly sure how well it was cared for nor what service was done on it. The closest reputable boat store is about an hour away which is a pain, and I am fairly mechanically inclined so my basement is a better choice for me right now.
The engine stand was 40 dollars used from kijiji, plus it was just around the corner from me so that was a good score.
I have read the winterization articles on various sites and will be following them shortly when i have more time. I just need to locate a local Mercury dealer that has the gear oil pump and fitting for the lower unit.

My advice to you is have a professional look at it. Even if you have to throw it in your car. I bought a used motor one time and go screwed and I was in the middle of the lake. Get it winterized so they can have a look at it.

In Topic: Squirrels for Bait

02 November 2012 - 07:44 PM

I can see a treble hook attached to this guy. What about you