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Member Since 02 Nov 2012
Offline Last Active May 29 2013 04:40 PM

Topics I've Started

Example thread - how not to specify exact locations

03 April 2013 - 10:02 PM

FYI to those interested:


Just finished talking to a couple guys the coho are still running through [pwadm: edit - location removed], catching them off roe and floats at the bottom of the wharf.  They are also nailing them in the channel [pwadm: edit - location removed]

when in doubt hook a trout

29 March 2013 - 11:13 PM

right in the mouth.


not sure what the coho business is. everybody sitting on their white buckets seems to be hard on to get one today.

Smelt rigs

11 February 2013 - 06:41 PM

Gentlemen, I have some lame noob questions, but please bare with me. :)

Smelt rigs: Two dropper hooks and a sinker at the bottom? How big should the hooks and sinker be? Distance between the hooks? Yarn, small plastic waxies, micro grubs and tubes? Fish closer to the surface, or just off bottom? Maybe a small spoon in the mix for a bit of flash?


Fish and UV light

15 January 2013 - 03:26 PM

Does anybody have any experience fishing under UV/black light? Some say when used with florescent line and floats, it is a great way to see what you are doing without flooding the area with white light and spooking fish. Others say even UV light can spook fish. Also heard the same argument for green light... Thoughts?

Pan fish rod

19 December 2012 - 10:10 PM

Curious what poles you slab anglers use in the spring. I am thinking of getting a new one to replace my store brand cheap-o-combo pole. I can save my shekels over the winter and get something nice.

I was thinking either a short 5' - 5'6" medium action pole with a slower tip, or going ultra-light in the 5'6" - 6' range. I really like what St. Croix has to offer, but they are a shiny penny for something that is going to land fish less than 1lb lol.

This is the time of year where I sit in my den staring at my warm water tackle, scheming! :)