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Member Since 02 Nov 2012
Offline Last Active Jan 22 2017 06:30 PM

#333500 My Sponsors for 2016

Posted by spinnerbaitking on 17 May 2016 - 11:19 PM

I never really looked for Sponsors before but A few things happened & I sent my info into Ardent & was excepted as part of Team Ardent Canada & after a few casual talks at the Sportsman Show & Fishing Show I gave Steve a call at Blackfly Lures & we came up with a deal we both thought would work & after helping out at the Fishing Friendzy booth at the CNE the last couple of years & talking with Mike about Fishing Friendzy I'll be joining their Team & helping out where I can. This should be an exciting year on & off the water.
Thanx & Tight Lines SBK :cool: 



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#300588 LHFC Volunteers Counting & Sorting Video

Posted by spinnerbaitking on 03 February 2014 - 09:16 PM

Sorting Days are today from 9 am to 12 noon. And Monday through Thursday from 9 am until noon next week as well or until we finish.
Fin Clipping starts next Saturday, February 8th, at 9 am until noon and will continue until completed.
If you can help, please come out. It is a great way to meet fellow club members and show your support to the fishery.
Matt Luckhart is spearheading this campaign so if you have any questions please send him an email at [email protected]
Otherwise just show up at the hatchery in Kincardine and ask for Matt any day you can help.
Evening hours could be arranged if a few volunteers wanted to set up a work crew,
Thanx & Tight Lines SBK :cool: 



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#266867 LHFC Documentary 2012 Finished & Uploaded

Posted by spinnerbaitking on 01 April 2013 - 06:25 PM

We have just received the final copy of the Documentary made by Bruce Telcom/Wightman Telecommunications. Past President Al Wilkins talks about the Club & our Trout Hatchery, there is video of the School Salmon Hatchery Program, Sorting & Counting Rainbows, Brown Trout Release, Classroom Presentation, Garry Biederman talks about the Salmon Hatchery with a tour & even a bit of fishing out of Port Elgin.
Tight Lines SBK :cool:

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