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Member Since 04 Nov 2012
Offline Last Active May 01 2014 09:03 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: May 3rd steelhead help

16 March 2014 - 05:33 PM

@perch, I am new to all this. been out a couple of times with no success .  The 2 methods I have heard of are standard float fishing and using a 3way and pencil weight to get to bottom. Everywhere else I have fished has been no deeper then 6 feet . I assume fish wont be holding the shoreline and I don't think I will find bottom with those depths with a float. Bottom bouncing frowned upon? I do bass tournaments all summer long and know my $hit but steelheading is new to me .


Thanks for the rest of those who helped . Still plan on doing a lot of homework and hope for the best.

In Topic: Lake Ontario Ice Fishing?

08 November 2013 - 01:49 PM

I have stocking lists and use them . Lakers I have dialed in. Bows and browns are hard to access, the ones that are easy are pooched by the second week in . Something about lake ontario I just want to try , the thought of not knowing what species is peeling drag is kinda whats appealing .

In Topic: Keeping your fingers warm?

08 November 2013 - 01:46 PM

Thanks for the feedback !