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Member Since 09 Nov 2012
Offline Last Active Jun 12 2019 10:33 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Fraser River - What's Really Happening..?

20 October 2016 - 10:45 PM

Corruption is found at every level of government.


IMO - the more government we have - the more freedom we take away from everyone, creating a weak society of feeble citizens that lose their ability to think critically and be self-reliant. 


Big government = big corruption and big waste. Minimize government to minimize waste and increase freedom. 


Do we really need to spend more on health care to create a healthier society? Why are so many diseases on the rise? If we cut spending on health care dramatically, would people not instinctively learn what lifestyle choices they must make, in order to be more healthy and fit, stave off disease, and live longer, healthier lives?


Less is more sometimes.


Sadly, many levels of government, work in collusion to distract and confuse and deceive citizens. 


When things start to go horribly wrong, can the government be trusted to admit they failed? That they made a colossal error in judgement, identified it, and are going to change? Or do they usually work to cover up their catastrophic failures and actually increase the level of deception and fraud?


So, what's really happening in the Fraser River?


Lovely documentary. I nearly cried literally.

In Topic: West Trib Steelhead

10 October 2016 - 06:28 PM

the western tribs in Halton are low, clear and little to no fish.

Was there Sat after a long journey from the Notty.

One of the East Tribs just after Toronto has alot of fish. Fresh ones and old boots as well

I managed to land 2 fresh male steelhead and one Coho salmon yesterday.

Missed a Brown and a few more steeels.

Saw many more steels hiding between the logs and the fallen tree trunks

In Topic: The Ultimate Photo Thread

29 August 2016 - 07:37 PM

NIce fish trouttamer.

In Topic: The Ultimate Photo Thread

26 August 2016 - 09:17 PM

@tossing iron : If the administrators wanted to create another photo thread, they would have closed this one a long time ago.

They left it opened for a reason.To flash back the memorable moments of fish catching and excitement.

In Topic: How to Seal Foods Air-Free Without a Vacuum Sealer

26 August 2016 - 07:00 PM

Yeh nice tip. Did know this or never try to do it this way.
