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Member Since 11 Dec 2012
Offline Last Active Mar 16 2016 03:42 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Simcoe

08 February 2015 - 05:28 PM

Ended up going to Hadden , was a pretty slow day but managed to get a few keepers and one nice fatty . Walked for about 30 min from the bait store so it wasn't too bad , ice was supper thick and it was tough to make holes with my Auger image.jpg

In Topic: Simcoe

06 February 2015 - 09:49 PM

Ice should be good to drive a small pickup out, don't take my word for it though, as for cooks bay being your best bet, depends on what you're after, if you want try simcoe jumbos, I'd hit hit Virginia beach, port bolster or Beaverton if you're up for the walk if I were you, much bigger fish, big pike and good quantity if you find a school. Gilford has minnows at youne and Gilford St and also at the convenience store on Guilford St. If you hit Virginia beach, there's a shop at the end of hadden road and parking on the ice, or drive out, (there's an ice road)

how long of a walk from Hadden

In Topic: Why Do Rivers Curve?

20 November 2014 - 08:58 PM


In Topic: Float setup

05 September 2014 - 10:41 PM

Thanks the raven site was very helpful

In Topic: Huron trib

05 September 2014 - 11:31 AM

Have you been out there yet ? Thinking about going Saturday or Sunday , i know there was fish last year this time