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Member Since 01 Jan 2013
Offline Last Active Jun 02 2013 10:35 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Do Steelhead really notice Flies?

17 April 2013 - 09:19 PM

Take a stream sample to find out what is in the water you are fishing. Match what you see then make sure you are getting the fly down into the strike zone. If you are not losing some flies you are not fishing deep enough.



In Topic: Crappies on the fly?!

17 April 2013 - 09:09 PM

I constantly catch crappie and bluegills on flies. I fish ponds and use small woolys or scuds under a strike indicator. It helps if there is a bit of chop on the water to put action into the fly.



In Topic: reel capacity

05 April 2013 - 05:55 PM

I use my 6wt for bass here and for trout in New Zealand, 50 yards is good, I have never been spooled.



In Topic: hardy ultralite 800dd

26 March 2013 - 09:49 PM

Great reel for the money. I have mine on my 7wt switch rod and have taken several steelies with it last fall. Enjoy.



In Topic: a few questions

25 March 2013 - 09:55 AM

Distance is accomplished by proper casting technique, I suggest you contact your local fly shop and test some rods,maybe take some casting instruction. Tell them what you want to fish for. They will guide you in the right direction. 

