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floating joe

Member Since 04 Jan 2013
Offline Last Active Nov 27 2013 06:50 PM

Topics I've Started


22 February 2013 - 10:08 PM

looking for a pair of simms waders size small if anyone can help ther for my wife...

kingpin handles

29 January 2013 - 06:18 PM

does anyone know were i can get new handles for my reel....lokking for orange.

xl freestone simms waders

21 January 2013 - 01:31 PM

im looking at the simms freestone waders only one size left xl .....im 6foot tall 200 pounds size 11.5 foot ....looked at the simms chart they are alittle big but if any one has these if they could save me a drive to bass pro or sail it would help out and save me some gas money thanks and thanks for your input and help .......joey

gta n west trib

19 January 2013 - 05:03 PM

hit up the good old gta trib this am to much ice few open spots....lol anyways any one know or think west trib will be fishable for sunday as i am on my hunt of my first steelhead ......


16 January 2013 - 10:10 PM

im looking for a used kingpin imperial....can any one dust off one from there collection and help me out willing to pay good money for one as my friends car got broken into last night and my rod n reel were taken i have bad luck my first pin and some punk ass has it .....looking to buy a new on at the end of jan for my birthday and im never leaving rod and reel in a car ever again....