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Robert Pogue

Member Since 10 May 2013
Offline Last Active Nov 25 2018 12:59 PM

#272212 My years best catches. (All released!!)

Posted by Robert Pogue on 04 June 2013 - 12:33 PM

Nice catches! The whole range there. May i suggest a rubber net if you do not already use one.

What the heck happened to that smallmouth? Muskie bite?

Rubber nets are a MUST-HAVE in my books. There much better for the fish. I have a good rubber net been using it for a long time. And I think it was a Muskie but it must have been a big one the bite mark was bigger than my thumb.
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#271883 Unexpected Catch

Posted by Robert Pogue on 30 May 2013 - 01:06 PM

So yesterday I decided to go try my luck down by my local river and see what would bite. I wasn't targeting anything in particular and wasn't planning on staying more than an hour. On my first cast I was suprised to have a good 2lb OOS Bass on the line. I released it quick so it could get back to spawning. Well, cast after cast I was landing everything from a small Pickerel to dozens of Perch to even a couple big Sunfish and that hour turned into a good 3 hour outing in which i got a suprise musky. (pictured below) Anyways, I thought it was kind of funny a how a fishing trip where I wasn't targeting anything in particular or even the size of what I caught even one that wasn't even supposed to be a long fishing trip. Turned into a great time where I caught multiple species and got to spend part of my day with something that i love doing.Picture.jpg



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