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Member Since 11 May 2013
Offline Last Active Jul 23 2013 07:11 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Looking At Some New Spinning Combos. NEED HELP!!

11 June 2013 - 11:17 AM

What size of rod do you want to use/need? Line test? What are you fishing for?


Bass Pro has an awesome line of rods I use heavily each year and have no problems at all with them and they are so dirt cheap... I have done the expensive rod "thing" for decades but this line of BP utilitarian rods I just love for river fishing.... I have the Red Tourny series that starts at 29 BUCKS!!!!!!! and these rods have been work horses for me.... 5 foot 6 and the 6 footers, my "drumsticks" are heavier 5 foot 6ers, one piece in this series. Their light 2 piece 5 foot 6er is a fave.


My experienced index finger makes up for any deficiency 29 bucks may bring, or not bring, to the table, but I love em.... IM7 graphite.


Reels, I have old school Shimanos (Saharas, Sadonas, Symetre etc) that just don't quit as well as the higher priced Quantums and just breaking in a Pflueger President to mix it up on the river this year.


You could slap together an awesome river combo for 90 bucks easy.


I owned every high end Canadian-made Fenwick in the book years back and once made my own rods, I now am happy with the above mentioned gear for the river fishing I do (for warmwater species).


Later, as you progress into the art of angling, you can, and will, "buy up". After 38 years of fishing I have come full circle lol :D

This is excellent advice. I too have come full circle over 25yrs of fishing. I would recomend that whatever you buy, you get a graphite rod, and for a reel, well anything will do, but I'd recomend a shimano. I've had many different reels over the years, and only the shimanos still work.

In Topic: Fish in the 416

08 June 2013 - 11:41 AM

I 100% agree with not sharing spots. Having lived outside of ontario for 8 yrs and returning home, I find myself consistently getting upset with what I see. I constantly find the white bucket brigade fishing in areas where they were no where to be found before, places where only locals used to know about. I've gone to spots that were once pristine, only to find litter everywhere, fishing line all over the place, and general damage to the surrounding area.


I personally would support the entire sport fishery in Ontario going to 100% c&r for 10yrs. We could rebuild the fishery quickly, and eliminate these people who will keep everything and treat our beautiful fishery as nothing more that a resource to be pillaged. I know most aren't in line with my thinking that we should have a 0 limit, but I don't care. Like everything, once the fish are gone they will not come back, and some slugs will stock fish that have no business being in our waters, because they just ust don't care about our beautiful country and its amazing resources.

In Topic: Hello

30 May 2013 - 07:00 AM

I have a couple fly rods, 4w and 6w. Couple spinning rods, med and light action, basically I have everything covered, short of steelie gear. I've even got some old baitcasting gear but I haven't been using that stuff in a long time.

In Topic: Lake Wilcox - Aquarium Carp?

14 May 2013 - 10:49 AM

I really wish people had more respect for our native fisheries. I really believe that the punishment for introducing non native species to any body of water should be heavy handed.

In Topic: Pike

13 May 2013 - 11:27 AM
