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Member Since 08 Jul 2013
Offline Last Active Aug 07 2013 11:11 PM

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In Topic: Claireville Conservation Area / Brown Bullhead

07 August 2013 - 10:40 PM

Oh and as for longest fish there, I honestly can't say because I haven't measured/weighed any of them but the bass which were very small, 0.16 kg's and 9 inches.


Brown Bullheads were about 7 inches average I'd say with the biggest being maybe around 8 inches.

In Topic: Claireville Conservation Area / Brown Bullhead

07 August 2013 - 10:38 PM

Yeah the West Humber River I believe it's called. When we originally attempted to try it out, it was the reservoir we were intending to reach. Unfortunately, the entrance to Indian Line from the east was closed off with do not enter signs, and from the west you either had to pay to get in through Wild Water Kingdom, or pay per person to park through the Indian Line Campground. After going into Claireville Conservation Area itself to park and find a way through, we were unable to, and my girlfriends father is rather old now and can't walk too far without getting tired and stopping, so I remember the bridge area from when I'd bring my dog there in the past and sure enough we found our way in through the method shown above in the images I posted and tried it out. I really didn't think we'd catch anything, but sure enough it was nonstop. Had a good time. It was my first time catching Brown Bullheads so that was neat and I eventually learnt a bit about them. Then the next visit we caught a couple sunfish, tiny, but it proved they were there. Then we found rock bass and by the last visit, freakin' white bass!


Free parking, free admission, good action, very close by to my girlfriends (10-15 mins) and to me (25-30 mins).


Oh yeah, somewhere in the paragraph above I meant to mention, one day we did finally try out the reservoir by entering through the Indian Line Campground, and that's when I tried a bunch of different lures (J13's, Aglia Spinners, Crankbaits, etc.) and not a bite. Finally went back to the worm and yup, caught a bunch of Brown Bullhead there too.


I'll play around with the lures at West Humber River and see how it goes this time.


What other species that I haven't listed because I haven't come across yet there, do you think there may be there?

In Topic: Claireville Conservation Area / Brown Bullhead

07 August 2013 - 10:18 PM

No not that large circular area, that has ample signs stating no parking, it's just passed that, where I have circled in green and drawn the green P

In Topic: Fishing Rod

07 August 2013 - 08:53 PM

Nope it's not that one.


This is the one




And none on Quantum's site have 11 bearings.

In Topic: Fishing Rod

07 August 2013 - 08:51 PM

Just tried that out Bow Man, kinda hard to find because they go by nicknames almost, but it appears to maybe be this one?

