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Member Since 14 Jul 2013
Offline Last Active Nov 28 2015 12:39 AM

#274509 !?!?SNAGGED!?!!?

Posted by Multispeciesangler59 on 15 July 2013 - 08:58 AM

Hey, thanks for the response nado. I recently proposed the question to italo. From canadain sport fishing. Heres what he said

Question: Hey italo big fan of the show. Watch every week. I mainly fish the grand river for small mouth. I am wondering about different jigs that could be used to prevent some snags.


HI Cody...Thank you for your kind words. Try fishing a Texas-rigged 3-4" tube with a 1/8 oz. jighed and size #1 worm hook. Fish it right long the bottom wherever you think bass are holding....God bless you, Italo

Answered pretty darn quick.ahha thought it.may be helpful

Thats why Italo is my favorite angler. He always takes the time to reply to his viewers even under his busy schedule!

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