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Member Since 19 Jul 2013
Offline Last Active Nov 22 2013 04:14 PM

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In Topic: East salmon

31 October 2013 - 11:36 PM

2nd pic...correct me if i'm mistaken but that salmon seems like carrying substantial amount of roe.

thats correct

In Topic: East salmon

22 October 2013 - 07:18 PM

Congrats, but ya, I wouldn't touch those things lol.

haha the ministry says you can eat them but they look nasty i did catch a smaller one that looked a lot better

In Topic: East salmon

22 October 2013 - 07:16 PM

its true the polluted  water actually makes them look greasier haha 

i know its nasty

In Topic: East salmon

22 October 2013 - 06:54 PM

please dont tell me you ate them. those are like the worst thing to eat, you can tell the don river salmon are way dirtier by looking at other boots caught from elsewhere, my aunt and uncle just moved from an apartment right next to the river, i used to see steel there 

hey haha i would never eat one from there but some people insited on taking 2 of them even after i told them but whatever

In Topic: Lake wilcox

03 September 2013 - 07:51 AM

Yeah the road is closed you have to jump a fence and go through a bunch of construnction