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Member Since 02 Aug 2013
Offline Last Active Oct 07 2013 07:21 AM

#280776 Good salmon tackle

Posted by justdriftin on 28 August 2013 - 07:31 PM

Uh huh, so i do it till i have 2 dead. Problems?

I actually don't have any problems with you taking your limit. It's your right when purchasing a license.

Many northern trib meat hunters do this every season.. Infact I have seen them rotate spots with friends and other locals. (Catch 2 fish and leave)


However, I do have a problem with you continuing to fish after your limit with this particular method. As mentioned, doing so will result in a high mortality rate...

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#280755 Good salmon tackle

Posted by justdriftin on 28 August 2013 - 06:29 PM

So your plan is to fight the fish with light line till it dies, then keep it to bury it as fertilizer?  

What happens if your "light line" breaks after you've tired the fish half to death? If you're planning to keep the fish wouldn't it make more sense to use stronger line as you're less likely to lose it, and the fact that you would be able to land it faster?

+1 Hard to argue against this logic..

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#280662 golf courses

Posted by justdriftin on 28 August 2013 - 03:51 PM

Golf courses are private property... Lot's of water around with fish, no need to break any laws.

Please respect the rules and laws that govern these waterways, so that we may all continue to enjoy them.

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