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Member Since 12 Aug 2013
Offline Last Active Sep 12 2013 05:34 PM

Topics I've Started

Trying for lake trout

12 August 2013 - 09:46 PM

I've been doing some reading on trolling for lake trout, and have found lots of good information.  There is one area that I'm still unsure of, and that's where in the water to put my lure.  I have read about letting your line out until your lure reaches the bottom, and then reeling it up a few feet and trolling at that level.  However, unless the bottom is perfectly flat, the lure is either going to run into the bottom, or pull away from it.  I have also read about putting your lure down into the thermocline that is housing the trout, and keeping it at that depth no mater how deep the bottom is.


Can anyone comment on these two ideas?  Also, I will be in a canoe with no fish detector.  Any tips you might have on how to troll from such a craft, and how to find the trout without a fish detector would be most appreciated.





Fishing on my own

12 August 2013 - 09:36 PM

Just thought I would pop in and say hi. I have always enjoyed fishing, but have been handicapped by the fact that I am uncomfortable touching fish. This has meant that I could only go out if I had someone with me who was able to take off any fish caught. Now with a 4 year-old son of my own, I want to be able to take him out for the experiences I had as a boy (I also want to maintain my "Daddy can do anything" image for as long as possible ;-) ). Last week I went out and purchased a pair of fishing gloves, and began practicing on small bass and sunfish by docks. I am happy to say I took more fish off the hook on my first day than I had in my previous 33 years of life. This morning I went for my first solo fishing outing, and first time fishing from a canoe. I got a bit of a shock going from taking off those little sunfish the day before, to having to remove a 26in pike today. Thankfully I was able to successfully remove it, and he is now back swimming in the river.

