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Member Since 19 Aug 2013
Offline Last Active Nov 09 2017 03:49 PM

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In Topic: Float setup/gear help

13 September 2014 - 02:57 PM

Same problem for me. I think the more experienced fishermen are able to feel their splitshots bouncing along the bottom but I just haven't been able to tell when the bait is close to the bottom. As for using the drennan type floats, the term you are looking for is a slip bobber rig. Here is a video that I use to set up my slip bobber rigs:


In Topic: Lower Niagara Shore fishing opportunities

31 August 2014 - 10:41 PM

Was at the whirlpool today and it was absolutely stunning! Took a bunch of pictures and fished there for 2 hours but got no bite. And the hike back up is definitely a workout. Can't wait to go back!

In Topic: Tasty XRap

15 August 2014 - 06:06 PM

 That's awesome! I was also up there this past Saturday but since I don't have a boat, I fished along the shores. Still, the trip was definitely worthwhile. On my first few casts I was using a heavy spoon and BAM I felt a hard tug. So, I'm reeling like a mad man thinking that I might have finally hooked a trout (which I have been dying to catch since I started fishing two years ago!) but of course it was just a branch!


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So I see some small fish cruising around near the shore and decided to target them instead. I switched to a bobber and hook setup and cast it out and within a few minutes I see the bobber vanish. Adrenaline! I could tell that the fish was small but having caught only a few fish in my short fishing history, I was pumped! It turned out to be a tiny smallmouth no bigger than my hand but boy was I happy.


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Plopping the fish back into the water was even more satisfying!


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After that I caught 3 more smallies of which this one was the biggest.


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All in all, it was a great day of fishing and I am excited to go back there again in a few months. I had a purple Xrap with me last Saturday but I didn't think of using it. I'll try my luck using it next time!

In Topic: Algonqin Fishing Advice

29 June 2014 - 08:36 PM

No problem! Enjoy the beautiful scenery at Algonquin!

In Topic: Algonqin Fishing Advice

29 June 2014 - 06:37 PM

Hi Grappler,


I think the extra stick that you are referring to is used to screw into the head of a soft plastic worm when using a Texas rig setup. The extra stick is screwed through the plastic worm's head and then the actual hook is pierced at the mid section of the worm. Here's a video that I was watching a few days ago in which he goes over how to use that style of hook. He discusses it at 8:11. 




As for tips for Algonquin Park, maybe someone can help you out as I have never fished there. Hope I helped you out a bit!