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Member Since 30 Aug 2013
Offline Last Active Oct 01 2013 10:12 AM

Topics I've Started

Any salmon in the huron tribs yet ?

10 September 2013 - 02:59 PM

wondering if there are any salmon in the huron tribs yet? preferably goderich area. :razz:

What kind of rod to use for river fishing?

30 August 2013 - 03:10 PM

Im kind of new to salmon fishing in and around the GTA, so please bear with me. Im planning on making a trip down to some of the west tribs next week to do some salmon fishing, i've heard the fish can get very large and be hard to land using certain rods. So i'm wondering what length and action rod i should use?, also what lb test line should i use and if a leader is necessary. Thanks.