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Member Since 03 Sep 2013
Offline Last Active Sep 16 2013 01:42 PM

Topics I've Started

Waders or No Waders

12 September 2013 - 09:42 AM

A friend and I have decided to head out fishing today after work around 5, we cant decide weather to grab our waders and head up river or stay stay at the mouth of what ever tributary we decide to fish.  I live in burlington to give a general idea of my location.  The hard part is deciding if last nights rain fall was enough to get things moving or not. 


Anyone have thoughts?


I will report my findings regardles of where we go or what I find

New to the Forum

03 September 2013 - 11:52 AM

Hey there everyone


I am new to the Forum but have been fishing my whole life.  I begain fishing with my dad around the age of 4 and have continued ever since I am now 26 and still have strong passion for all types of fishing.  Most of my experiance is in bass fishing but I have also ice fished good potions of the winters away.  I wanted to join a forum to see what its like as well as get infromation on other tyoes of  fishing.  I fish for trout and salmon every year with scattered success but lack a real understanding of whats involved and correct times I usually just hope for the best and pay attention to water levels.  I would love to learn how to fish for smelt as well.


Anyway I am looking forward to this years Trout and Salmon runs and will be going out early september onward into the colder mouths to try to get a better understanding of when the fish move.  I am slightly confuced on what rivers and fishing spots are in which Tributaries as it states that mentioning exact locations is not permitted.  can anyone give a basic break down of what rivers are in what tribuaries?