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Member Since 18 Sep 2013
Offline Last Active Oct 09 2013 09:39 AM

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In Topic: Happy but DISGUSTED

18 September 2013 - 11:49 PM

I'm not only disgusted with the actions I've seen on the rivers during the annual salmon run, but by the ignorance of many who post on these boards. Fishing is a sport, not a slaughter. There are right ways to go about it and wrong ways. Despite what the law says, or what the MNR can, or chooses to do, things will not improve unless fishers begin policing themselves. I don't mean doing stupid shut like trying to arrest an unruly mob, but there are way to discourage illegal or unsporting practices like snagging, netting, etc.

As far a taking photos or video is concerned there ARE NO LAWS IN ONTARIO ABOUT DOCUMENTING PEOPLE IN A PUBLIC SPACE. But please be smart about what you are doing so you don't put yourself in jeopardy.

Seriously people. Back one another a far as good habits are concerned and discourage the bad where you can. And if everybody could pick up their own trash it would look a lot better as well.