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David Parker

Member Since 03 Oct 2013
Offline Last Active Jan 10 2014 02:19 AM

Topics I've Started

Buyer Beware - a warning to all anglers

05 November 2013 - 07:11 AM

Just a note to anyone looking to buy fishing rods. Do not buy from Backwoods Premium Rods!!!

There was a post about this guy back in 2011 and he somehow is still in business.

From my own personal experience dealing with this windbag, he's an outright Fraud. He self proclaims himself as a Master Rod Designer with many other titles, but has no credentials for any of them and he has an elaborate web site. This is all BS so he can get your money for his own profit.

 He is not a rod builder, but has some poor fellows building rods for him at minimum wage. They ARE NOT custom rods, just fancy components that he has chosen from a catalogue and had them assembled by others. Quite often, the rods are assembled with used components from customers returned broken rods.

He makes fraudulent business deals with honest individuals that he does not live up to and he always has some excuse to give you.

He resides somewhere in Wasaga Beach Ontario, so please pass the message along so you and your buddies don't get burned.

Perhaps we can put this blowhart out of business once and for all. 







new from Coldwater

03 October 2013 - 09:07 AM

Thought it was about time to join in.

I've been a fisherman forever, fly tyer since the early 80's and a custom rod builder since 1996, but have not spent too much time on the web............found it too time consuming. I like to spend my spare time fishing.

I've been reading this site for some time and there is lots of info here for sure.

Perhaps I can help other members answer their questions as they help me answer mine.

Great site!


David Parker

Certified Professional Rod Builder