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Member Since 22 Oct 2013
Offline Last Active May 21 2014 05:22 PM

Topics I've Started

East Tribs venture

27 March 2014 - 03:26 PM


What are the chances any of you would PM me about this question.

I have a day off next week ( Tuesday ) and NEED to get into some fish. I live 2.5+ hours away from any east trib so this will be a once or twice MAX season trip. To be honest with you I need some simple navigation tips to save me a bit of time. Not looking for you to put me on top of fish. Just need a good starting point. From there I can make my own judgement calls on where to fish. All my tribs and rivers in my area aren't fishable.

Not looking to start war here, Just trying to get a fix.

If you see where I'm coming from fire me a message.


Huron Trib Community

22 October 2013 - 06:54 PM

Hey Guys,

I've followed this forum for a couple years now. My resident river is in Huron. I was wondering if there are many anglers on the forum that fish the Huron Tribs, or is the majority of this forums users from the GTA? I don't see much conversation about Huron Tribs. That's why I ask the question
