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Member Since 23 Oct 2013
Offline Last Active Jan 21 2018 06:36 AM

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Shipping fish recommendations

20 June 2017 - 08:57 PM

Hey All

I get to go back to N. Van island this August and hoping to get into springs, lings, and buts!

Question is...anyone have any recommendations for shipping? Anything shipped would be frozen at -20 and vacuum packed so I would expect it to withstand a couple of days.



14 November 2016 - 10:08 PM

Well with the skinny water all over and warm temps I haven't been able to chase steel as much as I would like. So I decided to avoid the combat fishing last weekend and go for a hike into a stocked lake. Boy was that a good idea.

I caught a few, lost a few, and it was pretty cool to see a them schooling in the shallows. Anyway I love how they look and the bonus was setting a new pb at 16+" :)