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Member Since 05 Nov 2013
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Posts I've Made

In Topic: 2014 Fishing Regulations

17 December 2013 - 03:52 PM

2nd last saturday instead of last saturday in april?

Yup only in certain areas

In Topic: 2014 Simcoe Ice GTG Sunday, January 19th

10 December 2013 - 12:00 AM

Lol too much talk about the where and when.
Now we can talk about the Whos and Hows, you comming?

I will be there sir

In Topic: 2014 Simcoe Ice GTG Sunday, January 19th

09 December 2013 - 10:19 PM

And thats the way its done lol........we're goin' and you can come if you want hahaha...I like your style Chris

In Topic: OFF Ice Outing

09 December 2013 - 09:53 PM

I didnt say it is the best spot for fishing, but Is a convenient place for a gtg. Pretty easy place to get a few. Plus easy parking. I know its pay, but Parking can be an issue around the lake. Plus If the ice is good just park on the lake!

How much can parking possibly cost? Probably a small price to pay to meet some nice people

In Topic: Are SIMMS really all they are talked up to be?

03 December 2013 - 10:45 PM

you just got a bad pair there are lemons in every product just let simms know and i'm sure they'll replace them then you'll love em