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Member Since 10 Nov 2013
Offline Last Active Jan 06 2015 05:29 PM

Topics I've Started

Anchoring pontoon boat in rivers

24 November 2013 - 08:44 PM

Hey all just looking to pick your brains a little more. I have an outcast pac 1200 and made an anchor for it using a go kart tire and concrete. It weighs 25 lbs. doesn't hold the boat in even medium- slow flows. Looking at a couple anchor types (triangular, and river anchor) not sure which way to go. I fish rivers around swo so there is some clay, gravel, boulder gardens, and so on. Not looking to anchor in crazy water but edge of runs not swingable from shore. Thanks for your input in advance

Great people on the river

10 November 2013 - 07:08 PM

Hey all I've watched for a while on here but never really had much to say. Today I was fishing a trib and as I got to the river there was already a vehicle in the lot. Parked got out and almost instantly started a convo with the other angler. Chatted for a while as I geared up. Found out he was a local and he happily shared the directions to a few runs with me. He had to run home as he forgot something. So away I went. Fished till noon and he showed back up he had been up stream filled me in on his success or lack of and I did the same. We shared some tips, tricks and rigging techniques. He then went on his way. I found out he is a member on this board and wanted to thank him for the local knowledge. And the company. "Coldfeet" thank you it was a great experience meeting you.