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quincy 71212

Member Since 08 Jan 2014
Offline Last Active Jan 01 2016 02:08 PM

Topics I've Started

port perry

17 December 2014 - 01:58 AM

Hey everyone i was wanting to bus over to portperry this week i have never been there this time of year i know there is no ice but would it beworth it i was wanting to do some panfishing like float fishing and fly fishing thanks in advance

Panfish Flies

03 June 2014 - 08:52 PM

Hey everyone!

I have these two small flies - would they be good for panfish (6-8 feet of water)? Are they any good for rock-bass and sunfish in about 7 feet of water? I am using a floating line with an 8 foot, 4 pound leader. Are there any other flies I can use for panfish - if so would it be possible to name some examples for me?

The rod and line I am using is a 5-6 weight. 

Thanks in advance!

center pin main line

24 March 2014 - 03:07 PM

hey everyone i jst bought a center pin and i was wondering what is the best line to put on it for the main line? i all ready have the backing but im unsure abut the main line  i was thinking about maxima ultragreen but i dont know if that is a good line or not  also i heard raven was good but also bad due to memory   thank you 

erindale suckers

23 March 2014 - 11:43 AM

hey everyone,


i just got a new center pin reel and i'm getting a rod next week, i was wondering, has any one been to erindale lately? i wanted to know if the white suckers and trout would be in the river yet. i want to get out soon and use my new pin  :?:  :D  :lol:  

thanks in advance 


erindale park ice or no ice

14 March 2014 - 06:39 PM

hey every one i was wondering if any one has been to erindale lately  i want to start fishing there as i jst got a centerpin and i wanted to know if any one have seen any suckers or trout and if the ice breakers are fishable ? thanks in advance